
The only spacer with a patented guardian angel concept!

RC-Chamber + Sicherheitsbeutel

(Further development of the RC-Compact Space Chamber PLUS)

Optimises the effect of medications for respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, COPD or mucoviscidosis, and is a reliable attendant for both young and old patients.

The spacer is suitable for infants, children, adults, and tracheostomised patients. The masks offer support and aid – they are separately available and are interchangeable. The best drug deposition is achieved through the mouthpiece; this application should be favoured to the extent possible.

Hygienically reliable cleaning at a maximum temperature of 100°C or in the RC-Clean® Cleaning Bag for the microwave. The RC-Chamber® may be washed in the dishwasher. However, since this process might leave residue behind, we do not recommend this form of cleaning.

RC-Chamber + Sicherheitsbeutel
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Safety pouch

The resealable, recyclable outer packaging of the RC-Chamber® is used as the safety pouch. It accommodates the RC-Chamber® with or without mask, the prescribed metered-dose inhaler, a peak flow meter, and all important medications.

rc chamber einatemkontrolle

Inhalation control

The RC-Chamber® valve also works as an integrated optical inhalation control. It is visible to everyone.
It can indicate, especially in emergency cases, whether and how often the person is breathing.
rc chamber schutzengel anhaenger

Guardian angel

Punch a hole on the safety pouch above the press-to-close seal. Hang the guardian angel hanger from the safety pouch, thus placing a signal in case of emergency.
rc chamber notfallplan 1

Emergency plan

The filled-out emergency plan is placed directly on the back side of the safety pouch/outside packaging so that everyone can see how the patient can be helped in case of emergency.

Effects of RC-Chamber® inhalation therapy

Without the RC-Chamber® there is a strong accumulation of medication in the mouth and throat area.

With the RC-Chamber® the distribution of medication to the lungs improves.

rc chamber therapy
Die Wirkung der RC-Chamber® Therapie

Breathing deeply – made easy

In cases of pulmonary disease such as asthma or COPD, drugs for inhalation are administered mostly in the form of metered-dose inhalers. Spacers such as the RC-Chamber® optimise the use of metered-dose inhalers.

Product features

  • Spacer for chronic respiratory diseases
  • Dispenses with the need to coordinate between the release and inhalation of the metered-dose inhaler
  • Filters out large, non-respirable particles, thus reducing deposits and fungal growth in the mouth and throat area
  • The RC-Chamber® prevents irritation caused by evaporation-based cooling
  • The therapeutic effect of the drugs is optimised
  • Only for single-patient use
  • Transparent design – you can see foreign particles and impurities before breathing in
  • Universal adapter – compatible with all metered-dose inhalers
  • Replaceable silicone masks – masks are available in different sizes – they have a soft and comfortable fit on the facial form

RC-Chamber® – One Spacer for all ages

The basic model for the RC-Chamber® with mouthpiece can be combined with silicone masks in 3 different sizes, depending on the patient’s age.

rc chamber modell bis1


With mask for infants
up to 1 year

PPN 111 171 099 278
Article no. 30100

rc chamber modell 1bis5


With mask for small children
1 to 5 years

PPN 111 171 100 087
Article no. 30200

rc chamber modell ab5


With mouthpiece for adults and
children starting at 5 years

PPN 111 171 102 343
Article no. 30300

rc chamber modell erwachsene


With mask for adults and
children starting at 5 years

PPN 111 171 101 777
Article no. 30400

Accessories: The RC-Masks are also available separately

RC-Maske für Säuglinge 0 – 1 Jahr

RC-Mask for
Infants 0 – 1 year

fits the RC-Chamber® and RC-Chamber Reusable

PPN 111 416 498 106
Article no. 30110

RC-Maske für Kleinkinder 1 – 5 Jahre

RC-Mask for
Small Children 1 – 5 years

fits the RC-Chamber® and RC-Chamber Reusable

PPN 111 416 499 893
Article no. 30210

RC-Maske für Erwachsene und Kinder ab 5 Jahren

RC-Mask for Adults and Children starting at 5 years

fits the RC-Chamber® and RC-Chamber Reusable

PPN 111 416 500 605
Article no. 30410

RC-Maske Tracheostoma

RC-Tracheal Mask

fits the RC-Chamber® and RC-Chamber Reusable

PPN 111 118 816 586
Article no. 3012

Ordering Information

The products are available online as well as in pharmacies and medical supply stores.

How can we help?

(+49) 2602-92130

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please contact us: Mondays to Thursdays from 9 to 12 h and 14 to 16 h. Fridays from 9 h to 14 h, German time.

FAQ - Common questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

Download center

Instructions for use, product brochures and supplementary information as PDF downloads, are available here.

Contact form

Do you have a question? Please use our contact form.

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Please note that product images may differ from the original product.